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Project Management : Software Development. What is your role ?

Project Management Software is an interesting field to study and my article here is more focused on what I have done so far. A Software Project can be performed by the Consultant (Vendor) or may also requested from User or An Internal Development Project and in this article which is covered by Software Project Consultant who has been designated by the User.

What do I do in a software project management is to implement during the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) consisting of :

1. Project Kick Off
2. Project Plan
3. Requirement Gathering & Analysis
4. Design
5. Development / Coding
6. Sistem Integration Test (SIT)
7. User Acceptance Test (UAT)
8. Data Migration
9. Go Live
10. Support and Maintenance

This is commonly SDLC flow, sometime each institution has different flow like there is Security Acceptance Test (SAT) after User Acceptance Test (UAT) stage.

Here is a brief explanation of matters related to the above:

Project Kick Off
This is the initial stage of the project. This stage is carried out in a meeting attended by the User and Consultant Team. User preparing project scope summary and stages as well as the expected deliverables. This stage takes the form of an official meeting accompanied by the minutes. Meeting notes will be distributed to all parties associated with the project and the foundation next activity. At this stage also specified Person In Charge (PIC) both from the user and from the Consultant. Project Kick Off is done with reference to a contract that has been signed or SPK (Surat Perintah Kerja).

Project Plan
Project planning is a very important stage. At this stage, the project manager made ​​a draft schedule for the overall project activities, so as to give an idea to everyone involved in the project. Project managers are also preparing resource to be included in the project. So the main target of this Project Plan is to get an idea of when each stage of the project is done and when the completion of personal as well as anyone involved in the project. It can be made based on employment contracts that have been made ​​and signed before.

Business Requirement Gathering and Analysis
Defining the problem is that the essence of a Software Project. Each section / unit / division which would be the end user of program, must send a representative to this process. Without representation of any part / unit / division, an assessment needs to be improper that ultimately will provide software solutions that do not comply with the requirement.

At this stage it is often a conflict of interest between operational work by attending meetings assessment requirement, it is necessary for full support of the leadership of the company from the user to give priority to this project. Solution is often a conflict of interest by setting a minimum one representative from each section / unit / division involved in the full project from start to finish. So although there are still operational responsibility, the PIC is still prioritize his time in the project. To supplement this, the determination of the PIC should also be accompanied by the establishment of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) addition to the employee for his involvement in the Software Project.

Consultants typically will send Project Manager, Business Analyst and System Analyst her to this meeting. Project Manager ensures the meeting runs on time, the meeting was attended by participants expected, meeting set targets and ensure that meeting the target is reached. Business Analyst studying user needs, create a hypothesis early, prepare a list of questions and ask to User, record answers received, conduct needs analysis, prepare minutes of meetings. System Analyst confirms the current technical capability required by the Business Analyst. Critical matters will be determined from the technical ability which is confirmed by the System Analyst in answering the needs of users.

Consultant will analyze all the results of interviews with this user. Product of this stage is Functional Specification Document (FSD). FSD will be a reference of all parties involved in this Project. FSD will be the main reference programmer or engineer in making / implementing a program where the main content of the FSD is screen-screen design of the software to be developed and requirement for system. FSD is wrong will have an impact on software solutions that are not wrong. Then FSD should be reviewed by the Consultant and User. In this phase, if FSD is appropriate with requirement and the solution, user must accept and sign off the FSD.

The design phase will determine the quality of the software that will be created. In the design phase be making Process Flow, Data Flow Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram, Program and Class Structure Framework and other technical aspects. The whole work is based on the design phase of FSD as agreed at the previous stage. Design a solution that will greatly facilitate the creation of programs that will be developed. Data Flow Diagram of effective and efficient will make the solution more quickly and more easily realized. Entity Relationship Diagram to determine the quality of the database to be built. A frequent mistake is not made ​​ERD accurately so as to produce quality database of redundant and inefficient. DFD is the data flow of the business process being studied, while ERD is a type of relationship between two or more entities within the business process. Usually, product in this stage is Technical Specification Document (TSD). Usually, The product in this stage is Technical Specification Document (TSD). This document is contain the matters related technical for implementation which became guideline for engineer.

Coding / Development
The core of the project is the software coding / local development programs. Generally, the quality of a program based on the quality of the programmer is concerned. Project Management Software that will either make a complete class structure and stable as the main framework. By making the structure of class and standard framework, variations and errors can minimized programmer. Without it there will be the level of variation and mistakes often high and reduces the quality of software that is built, to the role of senior developer in a software project will be very important.

Currently, many program language options along with its Integrated Development Environment (IDE), but which is now widely used is Java, PHP, Miscrosoft Visual Studio. Net, as well as development for mobile platforms such as Android, Apple and Blackberry. Regardless of differences in the selection of development tools, application of the concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a must for and maintained to provide effective and quality software efficiently, the concept of class and good framework that will provide convenience and uniformity in software development. In this stage, the programmer or engineer will implement the program on development server.
Making Test Script
This stage is performed in conjunction with phase coding / Development by Business Analyst with a team of users, the goal is to create a scenario of a complete and comprehensive test in accordance with the real process desired by the user so that it can describe the actual process conditions. Test this script must truly represent the actual story that comes with sample input values ​​and their expected results. With the test script is complete and comprehensive, then testing can be done by anyone, although not involved in the early stages of the software project, where the person who will do the testing, simply enter the initial value corresponding test script and see if the resulting value is in accordance with results manual calculations are listed in the test script. Script test cases should be varied in accordance with the possibility of variation in the actual process.

System Integration Test (SIT)
At this stage, the modules that have been developed will be integrated into a complete solution. Once integrated, the system will be tested using a test script that was made before. The test is performed by internal consultants without involving the user, but the test scripts that are used must already be adjusted to the wishes of the user and user approved. When the results of the trial are not in accordance with the results shown in the test script, the program is still wrong and needs to be fixed. SIT has been completed when all of the input test script has been tested and the results are in line with those in the test script. Business Analyst is a PIC that performs testing on the SIT process. Programmers or Engineer will make the changes necessary to obtain the expected results corresponding test script.

User Acceptance Test (UAT)
This stage is roughly equal to that performed on the stage of the SIT, it's just who is the user of the part / unit / division related. Challenges that arise at this stage is to ensure that relevant user can attend UAT schedule in accordance with the agreed time. An integrated system that usually involves some part / unit / division, so that the absence of one representative of the section / unit / division will certain UAT postponed so that the overall schedule also be disrupted. It is necessary for early approach to each head of section / unit / division related so as to have the same awareness and perception of the importance of the software being developed. Although the work restrictions and limitations with the trial process has been outlined previously agreed test script, however, is not uncommon at the time of UAT, user find a variety of testing that did not exist in the test script and the worst thing is a feature that is not available it should develop by the programmer. This course will delay the completion of UAT, but if it had to happen, it must be approved by both parties. 

The problem that often occurs is the consultant is often blamed in the event of a setback schedule for not documenting in detail the things that a new request for UAT process. UAT process is usually the most busy / crowded than other stages in the SDLC, because at this stage all parties involved are usually directly interact with each other, so it is very wise for a Project Manager to anticipate it as early as possible, one of which was at the time of requirement gathering and making the test script as accurate as possible. In addition, the new request handling is good, the problem of delay completion of UAT can be done well.

Data Migration
Software created with the aim of replacing manual processes during this happens to be an automatic process, or replace the old system with a new system that is considered better, or make additions to the program on existing programs. Any type of software development mentioned above must go through a stage called Data Migration or Data Migration. For the implementation of data migration, some things have to be prepared, namely: preparation of existing data used manually or used by the old system, making a script to perform a one-time migration where old data will be uploaded to the new system by using the migration scripts. 

In addition to be prepared is cut off where the data migration will be done, a notice to all users of the old system when the cut-off of data will be done and how long the system will be off, making guide step by step in migrating the data, and the last is making Fall Back Plan wherein when the migration process fails, then the old data will be returned to the production enviroment, new system and the old system was reinstated in the back again. Once all the data is successfully migrated and proven user already doing final checks on the data migration results in a new system, then the data migration was completed.

Go Live
This is a stage where all the SDLC process is complete and the user is able to use the new system with existing data. After Go Live does not mean there is no problem anymore, it's often a problem in the system will look at the system Go Live on production server, but with the handling of a reliable project management process, this problem should be minimized. Mostly, a consultant will provide standby on first day live and support if there are problem with system.

To ensure that the system is running good and stable production after a year, needed an effective support mechanism, with a Service Level Agreement (SLA) agreed by User and Vendor. Usually classified as Critical Issue / Stopper, Urgent, Important, and Nice to Have, and each issue will be solved by criteria with different SLA contract.

That’s a brief explanation about Project Management either for Consultant (Vendor) or Internal Development. I always use it for several project because I'm working at IT Consultant company. Okay, I hope this article is helpful for you that assigned within project.



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Jakarta Monorail for a better public transportation

Continuing with previous article about Jakarta MRT, now I will discuss another new mass public transportation for Jakarta. What it is ? Yup, Jakarta Monorail. Monorail is predicted will be solve congestion problem in Jakarta. Again I said, we've left out from other country but this is good improvement.

The exhibition Jakarta Monorail has been held in celebration of Jakarta's 486 anniversary (22 June 2013). The opening of exhibition was announced officially by The Governor DKI Jakarta - Joko Widodo at Monas. The exhibition is open for public and free from 22 Juni till 4 Juli 2013. Public can look around the monorail prototype.

Jakarta Monorail is a single-rail Mass Transit train system running on elevated railways which is currently under development in Jakarta. Operating in the most prominent areas of Jakarta.

Jakarta Monorail will be divided into two lines:
- Green Line (Casablanca-Rasuna Said) will cover along a 14.8 kilometer circle corridor with total of 15 stations.
- Blue Line (Kampung Melayu-Tanah Abang) will cover along a 14.2 km corridor with total of 12 stations.

In prediction, the Green Line will operate in 2.5 years later and the Blue Line in 3 years.

Within its professional services, Jakarta Monorail aims to provide a safe, convenient, efficient (cost & time) and environmentally-friendly public transportation mode for Jakarta citizens. This project is managed by PT Jakarta Monorel.

Below are the picture of monorail prototype :

Finaly, we will have a better mass public transportation for Jakarta. We will be waiting for this soon.
What is your opinion ? please give your comments below.


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100 Keyboard Shortcuts for Quick Task in Windows 7 OS

I wanna share tips and trick for you. Are you using Windows 7 operating system ? If "Yes" you have to check this out. If "No", then you have to upgrade your OS (kidding). It might be working for some OS (XP/Vista) but it’s works in Windows 7 OS.

You don't have to experiment to find out which traditional shortcuts still work in Windows 7 or search for ones that have been added to the new OS. Just try those shortcut below  to operate your task quickly based on Windows 7 OS.

Note: The Windows key () is located between the Ctrl and Alt keys on most keyboards. However, some vendor keyboards and laptops don't have this key. The Application key () is adjacent to the right Windows key or in the upper-right corner on some laptop keyboards.

Now, you can try it on your computer. Bookmark this page if you won’t lost this post. Enjoy J


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Malam Nisfu Sya'ban, Sunnah atau Bid'ah ??

Nisfu Sya'ban berasal dari kata Nisfu (bahasa Arab) yang berarti separuh atau pertengahan, Sya'ban adalah nama bulan ke-8 dalam kalender Islam. Dengan demikian nisfu sya'ban berarti pertengahan bulan Sya'ban. Pada malam ini biasanya diisi dengan pembacaan Surat Yaasiin tiga kali berjamaah dengan niat semoga diberi umur panjang, diberi rizki yang banyak dan barokah, serta ditetapkan imannya. Setelah itu biasanya dilanjutkan dengan salat Awwabin atau salat tasbih kemudian ceramah agama atau langsung makan-makan.
Peringatan Nisfu Sya'ban tidak hanya dilakukan di Indonesia saja. Al-Azhar sebagai yayasan pendidikan tertua di Mesir bahkan di seluruh dunia selalu memperingati malam yang sangat mulia ini. Hal ini karena diyakini pada malam tersebut Allah akan memberikan keputusan tentang nasib seseorang selama setahun ke depan. Keutamaan malam nisfu Sya'ban diterangkan secara jelas dalam kitab Ihya' Ulumuddin karangan Imam Al-Ghazali.
Keutamaan malam nisfu Sya’ban diterangkan secara jelas dalam kitab Ihya’ Ulumuddin karangan Imam Al-Ghazali. Perlu diketahui, orang yang pertama kali menghidupkan shalat Alfiyah ini pada malam Nishfu Sya’ban adalah seseorang yang dikenal dengan Babin Abul Hamroo’. Dia tinggal di Baitul Maqdis pada tahun 448 H. Dia memiliki bacaan Qur’an yang bagus. Suatu saat di malam Nishfu Sya’ban dia melaksanakan shalat di Masjidil Aqsho. Kemudian ketika itu ikut pula di belakangnya seorang pria. Kemudian datang lagi tiga atau empat orang bermakmum di belakangnya. Lalu akhirnya jama’ah yang ikut di belakangnya bertambah banyak. Ketika datang tahun berikutnya, semakin banyak yang shalat bersamanya pada malam Nishfu Sya’ban. Kemudian amalan yang dia lakukan tersebarlah di Masjidil Aqsho dan di rumah-rumah kaum muslimin, sehingga shalat tersebut seakan-akan menjadi sunnah Nabi. (Al Bida’ Al Hawliyah, 299)
1).Ritual Nishfu Sya’ban terjadi hampir 5 abad setelah Nabi Wafat. Maka jelas tidak ada Sunnahnya dari Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam.
2).Yang pertama kali mengadakan Ritual Nishfu Sya’ban orang yang bernama : Babin Abul Hamro ini, bukanlah seorang Ulama apalagi Ulama Mu’tabar (yang dikenal, diakui dan diikuti) keilmuannya, tetapi hanyalah seorng ahli baca Al Qur’an.
3).Ulama Ulama yangg Mu’tabar : Imam ibnu Jauzi, An Nawawi, Ibnu Taimiyah, Ibnu Rajab, Ibnu Katsir, Ibnu Hajar dll telah mengingkari dan membid’ahkan Ritual Nishfu Sya’ban yang memenuhi Kitab2 mereka.
4). Jadi menghidupkan malam nisfu sya’ban dengan ibadah ( do’a, membaca yaasin, kumpul-kumpul dengan do’a barokah untuk air dsb.) bukan sunnah Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu tetapi amalan Pelaku Bid’ah yang dilestarikan.

Dari artikel di atas apakah kalian bisa menyimpulkan sendiri mengenai malam Nisfu Sya’ban ?. Menurut saya, malam nisfu sya’ban bukanlah sunnah nabi namun selagi kita beribadah dan di niatkan hanya untuk Allah maka sah-sah saja. Perkara diterima atau tidak ibadah kita hanya Allah yang tahu. Wallahu a’lam bishawab. Semoga kita selalu diberi petunjuk oleh Yang Maha Kuasa.


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100 Tips and Trick on Linux Operating System

Hi, I wanna share you e-book about Tips and Trick on Linux operating system. It written by Patrick Lambert. This book was written for anyone using Linux, from new users to experts who want to explore this wonderful operating system. The tips and tricks in this book were discovered by writer over years of experience using Linux, and learning about it. Some are very basic tips to make your computing life easier, others are advanced tricks that can save you days of work. The writer tried to cover all distributions of Linux in this book. The writer personaly use Slackware and RedHat on PC systems. If you find any error in the book, feel free to contact me so a future second edition could correct them.

This book is divided into 5 chapters. Each chapter covers a specific topic:

Chapter 1 covers installation of Linux. These are tips and tricks useful when installing Linux itself or any new program. Some tips will cover new means of installing Linux on non-typical hardware, others will explain how to take Linux distributions from an FTP server and make your own CD-ROM with them, or where to find Linux CD-ROMs for as little as $2.

Chapter 2 covers hardware related matters. You will learn tips there on how to get your non-PostScript compatible printer to work, or how to get a sound card detected.

Chapter 3 covers software. You will find tips there about all kinds of Linux software, including where to find and how to install the Java Development Kit port, and everything about the Pine mail and news program.

Chapter 4 covers networking in all its forms. There you will see how to setup a PPP connection quickly, without editing all of the configuration files yourself, as well as some nice programs that were made to ease dialup procedures. You will also see tricks on how to make your local LAN network without unexpected problems.

Chapter 5 is the last chapter but covers an important part of Linux: development. Here you will find a lot of tips on how to write powerful scripts to make your system easier to handle, and a full overview of what to do and what you don't want to do in C to avoid problems like memory leaks, and how to allow easy scalability.

Click this link to download e-book 100 Tips and Trick on Linux Operating System


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Jakarta MRT is The Solution and We have it by the end of 2016

Jakarta now 486 years old after the anniversary on 22 June 2013 yesterday. The government of DKI Jakarta (Pemprov DKI Jakarta) especially Joko Widodo as the Governor should be work harder to realize the Jakarta Master Plan 2030. The plan is build the Jakarta to be a great and well developed city either the culture and infrastructure. It might not be fast, at least they have to prepare and start an action.

The goverment will launch  the mass public transportation such as the project of Jakarta MRT, Monorails, Buses, etc. We take an example the project of Jakarta MRT. In near time, Jakarta MRT will be launch and operating at 2016. Here I give you information related the Jakarta MRT.

Overview :
Rail-based MRT Jakarta will stretch over ±110.8 km Jakarta roads, consists of North-South Corridor (Lebak Bulus – Kampung Bandan) of about 23,8 km and East-West Corridor of about 87 km.
·        The construction of North-South Corridor that stretches along Lebak Bulus – Kampung Bandan will be carried out in 2 phases:

Phase I, will be carried out to connect Lebak Bulus with Bundaran HI over 15.7 km railway with 13 stations (7 elevated stations and 6 underground stations) which is targeted to operate by the end of 2016.

Phase II, will expand North-South Corridor from Bundaran HI to Kampung Bandan over 8.1 km railway, which construction will have been initiated before Phase I operates and is targeted to be completed on 2018 (from the earlier target of 2020). Feasibility study for this phase has been completed.

·        A feasibility study is on progress for East-West Corridor, which is targeted to operate at the latest on 2024-2027.

This project is developed by PT MRT Jakarta.

Future :
Jakarta MRT North-South Line Phase I (Lebak Bulus – Bundaran HI, Operational 2016)
Jakarta MRT North-South Line Phase II (Bundaran HI – Kp. Bandan, Operational 2018)
Jakarta MRT East-West Line (Alternative Route: Balaraja – Cikarang)

Galery :
MRT track

 Tunnel Underground

 Underground Station

The Station

Click the picture above for detail.

That's the summary of the project Jakarta MRT. It's look good and modern and It's a must that we have own MRT because we've left out from other country. I hope this project running smoothly. Have you ever tried it before ? I had tried in Dubai, UAE. 

Are you ready for waiting ? J


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Taylor Swift - 22


It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters
And make fun of our exes, ah ah, ah ah.
It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight
To fall in love with strangers, ah ah, ah ah.

We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time
It's miserable and magical, oh, yeah
Tonight's the night when we forget about the deadlines
It's time

Uh oh!
I don't know about you
But I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright
If you keep me next to you
You don't know about me
But I'll bet you want to
Everything will be alright
If we just keep dancing like we're

It seems like one of those nights,
This place is too crowded.
Too many cool kids, ah ah, ah ah (who's Taylor Swift anyway, ew?)
It seems like one of those nights,
We ditch the whole scene and end up dreaming
Instead of sleeping.

We're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way
It's miserable and magical, oh, yeah
Tonight's the night when we forget about the heartbreaks
It's time

Uh oh! (hey!)
I don't know about you
But I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright
If you keep me next to you
You don't know about me
But I'll bet you want to
Everything will be alright (alright)
If we just keep dancing like we're
22 (oh, oh, oh)
I don't know about you

It feels like one of those nights,
We ditch the whole scene.
It feels like one of those nights,
We won't be sleeping.
It feels like one of those nights,
You look like bad news,
I gotta have you,
I gotta have you.

Oh oh yeah hey!
I don't know about you
But I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright
If you keep me next to you
You don't know about me (you don't know about me)
But I'll bet you want to
Everything will be alright
If we just keep dancing like we're
22, yeah, yeah
22, yeah, yeah, yeah

It feels like one of those nights,
We ditch the whole scene
It feels like one of those nights,
We won't be sleeping
It feels like one of those nights,
You look like bad news,
I gotta have you,
I gotta have you.


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Celebration of Jakarta's 486 Anniversary - Jakarta Night Festival

Jakarta officially known as the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. Located on the northwest coast of Java, Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre, and with a population of 10,187,595 as of November 2011, it is the most populous city in Indonesia and in Southeast Asia, and is the thirteenth most populated city in the world. (Wikipedia)

Yesterday, 22 of June 2013 is 486 anniversary of Jakarta. All the people include the Governor and vice governor of DKI Jakarta had celebrate the anniversary with tittle “Jakarta Night Festival”. It  was held at Monas (National Monument), Thamrin, and circle of HI. The people was very happy attended this celebration. There are many interesting entertainment such as music stage, giant rice cone, fireworks and traditional parade.

Jakarta with complexity problem such as flood, rubbish, mass transportation and traffic jam should be resolved by the governor accord the jakarta master plan to be a better city, clean and well developed. I thought all the Jakarta people wish it.

Finally, I would like to say "Happy Anniversary the Jakarta our beloved city".


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New Home

Hi, I've just uploaded the new template for my site and moving my domain from to What is your opinion about the new appearance. Is it looking interactive ?  I need your feedback by submit the comments below.



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